Geo4P Project
Project abstract (English)
Geotermia - Progetto Pilota Piana Pisa
Geo4P (Geothermal – Pilot Project Pisan Plain) is a Pilot Project for the development of an innovative methodology, aimed at carrying out a quantitative assessment of very low, low and medium temperature shallow geothermal resources in Pisa floodplain, constituting the end part of the Arno valley.
The implementation of this methodology, and of resulting geology and energy related analysis methods, will therefore allow to test and develop procedures and tools, not yet used in a systematic and multi-sectoral way. Once it will be validated, this methodology can be exported in similar contexts, in Italy and in Europe.
Given that the Pisan Plain, despite its peculiarities, is a typical example of alluvial plain as many others throughout Europe, after being tested, this practice will be made available to local administrators, to start integrating hydrogeological and energy related data into territorial planning tools.
The project will then make available to interested parties the following information, to support decisions concerning the use of the territory and related plant engineering choices. In detail, the following steps will be addressed::
- Evaluation of the geothermal and energy potential of various aquifers in the subsurface of the Pisan Plain, even to the lowest depths
- Location of the most suitable areas for the use and exploitation of the geothermal resource
- Identification of most suitable exploitation technologies, as regards the different parts of the study area.
The Geo4P study area