(English version)
EnerGea was born in 2011, as a natural evolution of the initial organization on two centres (CEGL, the Centre Of Excellence for Geothermal Energy Of Larderello and the International Centre for the Technology Transfer), conceived by the Tuscany Region to promote the technology transfer for renewable energy. Having finished their experience, the two centres established a new and more stable structure, on which to ground the future planning.
EnerGea works through a range of highly qualified multidisciplinary services _ and it aims at becoming a conjunction element between the world of research, the system of enterprises and the institutions, at the same time attending to the context of the global scientific community, so as to maintain contact with the international methodological references. The main areas of activity of EnerGea concern:
- Energy production from RES (mainly, geothermal energy, thermal solar and PV and agricultural and forestry biomass)
- Improvement of energy efficiency in anthropic systems (residential, urban, productive)
- Environmental sustainability of decisions, especially those regarding energy issues
EnerGea, according to the purposes of the Regional Administration, also aims to act as a multiplier of opportunities for the enhancement of potentialities expressed by its partners in geothermal, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, at local, national and international level.